Independent Distributor for Mia Bella's Candles

LadyJay EnterPrises LLC

Email LadyJay EnterPrises LLC

Phone: 347-620-7523

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Secrets to Candle Burning Success

Experience our All-Natural Palm Wax, that produces one of the cleanest burning candles in the market with fragrances you will love!

Helpful information about your Mia Bella's Candle.

  1. Your first burn should be up to 4 hours or until completely liquified to ensure an even burn. This will activate the wax and release the fragrance. On your next burn, you will notice an even stronger fragrance throw.
  2. Mia Bella's candles have a cotton core, self-trimming wicks in safety collars that self-extinguish the candle once it gets low.
  3. No need to trim the wick unless you experience a high burning flame, then trim the wick to ¼ inch. When you are ready to put the candle out…just BLOW it out.
  4. Remember to never burn your candles unattended and be sure they are on a heat-resistant surface.
  5. Burn your candles in areas free of drafts as this can affect their performance.
  6. If your candle flame is too low and you are not getting a complete wax pool, you can pour out some of the wax pool to allow the flame size to increase and burn hotter and thus, more completely. You can always pour the wax into a warmer so there is no waste.
  7. Our candles burn virtually soot-free. While the wax we use is a proprietary blend of palm wax from sustainable plantations in Malaysia and is a clean-burning ingredient, the fragrance oil in our candles can produce a small amount of soot.
  8. We use the highest quality fragrance oils and add the highest amount of fragrance oil that is within safety standards. We spare no expense to give you the most realistic and incredible smelling candles in the world.

Why Mia Bella’s All-Natural Palm Wax?

  • It is biodegradable
  • It is Eco-friendly & renewable
  • It is sustainable
  • It is carbon neutral
  • It is virtually soot-free, clean burning
  • It is environmentally friendly
  • It is all-natural & non-toxic
  • It is long burning
  • It allows for all cotton wick
  • It allows for substantial fragrance throw
  • It requires little to no maintenance
  • It is beautiful with a crystalized appearance
  • It is the wax of the future

Enjoy your Natural Palm Wax Mia Bella's Candle!